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一、活動宗旨 Aim



The aim of the competition is to encourage the public and students to capture the beautiful scenery of Sai Kung and in term care more about the changes of Sai Kung community. To express their love for the community through recording the lifestyle and features of Sai Kung, thus promoting the key message of community solidarity and the importance of cultural conservation and inheritance. 


二、活動主題 Theme



The themes of the competition are “Culture and Living of Sai Kung” & “Landscape, Architecture and Heritage of Sai Kung”


三、組別 Groups



The Competition is divided into two groups:

1.      學生組:12-29歲的全日制學生(參賽者如未年滿十八歲,須獲家長/監護人同意下參與比賽及簽署聲明)
Student Group: Full-time students age from 12 to 29.(Entrant aged below 18 should obtain the consent from their parent/guardian)

2.      公開組:公開組:任何年齡人士均可參與
Open Group:. All age groups are welcomed


*The organizer reserves the right to verify the identity of any entrant.


四、遞交作品方式 Submission Methods


截止日期: 參賽者須於2018年10月19日或之前遞交 (可選擇以下其中一項遞交方式)

Deadline: Entrants must submit their entries on or before 19th October, 2018 (via one of the following methods)


1.      以郵寄方式遞交

Submission by mail


Complete the application form and submit it together with the photograph by mail to 8, MEI YUEN STREET, SAI KUNG, N.T. SAI KUNG DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE (the postmark date on the envelope will be regarded as the date of submission). Envelope should be marked with “Happiness in Sai Kung 2018-2019 Shoot for Sai Kung Competition”.

2.      以電郵方式遞交

Online submission by email

請將參賽照片連同報名表格電郵至 sam@skdcc.org。

Complete the application form and send it with the photograph to sam@skdcc.org. 




獲獎名單將於2018年月112日於西貢區社區中心網站及比賽Facebook Fanpage 公布,得獎者將會獲專函通知,並須出席20181117日舉行的「快樂在西貢2018-2019頒獎禮暨嘉年華」,得獎作品將於該活動中展出。

The result will be announced on 2 November 2018 via website of Sai Kung District Community Centre and Facebook Fanpage, winners will be notified by email individually and have to attend the prize presentation ceremony on 17 November 2018. The Awarded photos will be exhibited at the Happiness in Sai Kung 2018-2019 Award Ceremony and Carnival.