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會員意見收集週 │ 換取聖誕小禮物

各位會員! 聖誕節就快到喇! Christmas is coming!

我哋好希望係呢個日子,了解多D 各位會員對中心服務嘅意見!
We would like to collect the opinion of our members and their families to our service in this happy season.

After finish the questionnaire, the person of completing the form
can be given a gift (300 quotas in total number, one gift for each person by showing the captured picture (finished form) from 16 Dec, 22 to 24 Dec, 22 (during our opening hours)


服務問卷 Survey


如有疑問,可致電2792 1762,與服務總監 陳潔華姑娘聯絡
For any enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Eva Chan (our Service Director) at 2792 1762.